The Nunn Finer® Hunting Breastplate is crafted of beautiful premium bridle leather that will hold up to the rigors that foxhunting can give tack. Designed to ensure a proper, it is adjustability on both the near and off sides. The Nunn Finer® Hunting Breastplate is crafted of beautiful premium bridle leather that will hold up to the rigors that daily riding and foxhunting can give tack. Designed to ensure a proper fit, it is adjustability on both the near and off sides. Matching running and standing attachments are available. Offered with your choice of Brass or Zinc hardware fittings. Made in America. Oversize add $6.00. "English riders will find it tough to beat Nunn Finer’s Hunting Breastplate.” ~Horse Journal Sept 2003
Premium Bridle Leather
Durable for Daily Use and Foxhunting
Designed to Ensure a Proper Fit
Adjustable on Both Sides and Girth
Matching Running and Standing Attachments Available